Saturday, October 4, 2008


Christmas 1939

left to right:Dick Jons, Verla, Eva, Margaret, Ralph behind Margaret, Alda, LaVorda, Loren, Punch, Evelyn.
In front the children are:Arvin, Oleta, Naomi with doll, Gertrude with doll and Bernard. Thanks to Diane for getting this info from Aunt Verla.

Boyer Dude Ranch


Diane Wisniewski said...

I want to know if that is my dad, Bernard Lowe, in overalls, standing on the very right in the picture? About 5 years old. Anyone know?

Diane Wisniewski said...

Also, I would like to have someone identify the others in the photo. Verla, can you do it? I see some familiar faces and can take a stab at it, but would like to know for sure.